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Zygomatic Implants
An Advanced Solution for Severely Resorbed Maxilla

For patients suffering severe bone loss in the upper jaw, zygomatic dental implants offer new hope where traditional implants have failed. Zygomatic implants engage the robust zygomatic bones (cheekbones) for lasting stability even with a highly resorbed maxilla. If you've been told "you lack the bone for regular implants" or "you must get bone grafts first", zygomatic implants may be the answer.

What Are Zygomatic Dental Implants and How Do They Work?

Zygomatic dental implants are longer and thinner than standard implants placed directly into the upper jawbone. They anchor in the zygomatic arch, the thick facial bone that forms the prominent upper cheekbone near the eye socket.

This incredibly dense facial bone provides exceptional strength and stability even where the maxilla bone structure is compromised from periodontal disease, tooth extraction, or insufficient bone mass.

The implants' elongated design enables them to be placed at an angle, traversing the sinus cavity to engage this solid zygomatic foundation. Traditional implants end in the failing maxilla bone, but zygomatic implants run longer and are tilted to end in the robust cheekbone instead.

With their specialized zygoma anchorage, these implants can support fixed bridgework and full upper arch dentures where bone loss prohibits conventional implant placement. The zygomatic implants bear the brunt of the biting forces, bypassing the weakened maxilla bone.

Benefits of Zygomatic Dental Implants

Provide a strong and stable foundation for tooth replacement when upper jaw bone volume is deficient. No need to wait through slow bone graft healing.

Eliminate the need for bone grafting and sinus lift procedures which require extended healing periods before restoration.

Offer faster healing than conventional implants, with patients typically eating soft foods by day 4-5 post-op.

High long-term success rates of 95%+ when protocols are meticulously followed.

Preserve adjacent natural teeth, unlike bridges which require grinding down healthy teeth.

Prevent facial collapse and restore the natural facial form.

Allow firm biting and chewing compared to removable dentures which slip and rub.

Improve speech clarity, comfort and self-confidence.

Deliver an aesthetic, natural-looking replacement for missing teeth.

Give severely resorbed patients back the joy of eating, laughing and living with permanent fixed teeth.

The Zygomatic Implant Placement Procedure

Placing zygomatic implants is a complex procedure requiring advanced technology, meticulous planning and strong surgical skills. Here is an overview:

Initial exam using 3D CT scans to fully assess bone anatomy and determine candidacy.

Highly advanced computer-guided surgery planning maps out the precise drilling angles and positioning.

IV sedation or general anesthesia for optimum patient safety and comfort.

Small incisions made in the gums to access the zygomatic bone area.

Implants carefully placed at time of surgery using positioning guides to ensure accuracy.

Abutments are attached to the implants to allow connection of the prosthetic teeth.

Time for osseointegration before impressions are taken to fabricate the prosthesis.

The custom-designed prosthetic teeth are securely attached to complete the restoration.

Recovery Period, Success Rates and Longevity

Patients can expect some mild swelling and bruising after zygomatic implant surgery. Prescriptions help control discomfort. The recovery period is fairly quick, with most patients transitioning to soft foods around day 4-5 post-op.

Success depends greatly on the surgeon's extensive experience with zygomatic implants. In highly skilled hands, success rates exceed 95% based on long-term data. With proper at-home maintenance, zygomatic dental implants typically last several decades.

Costs, Insurance Coverage and Long-Term Value

The advanced nature of these implants comes at an increased cost of $8,000 for a full upper arch restoration. However, well-placed zygomatic implants provide many years of stabilized biting, confident chewing and clear speaking.

Major dental insurers like Delta and Cigna sometimes offset a portion of the cost. Patients should thoroughly discuss options with their provider. Though pricier initially, zygomatic implants offer excellent cost savings long-term by eliminating the need for multiple grafting procedures over the years.

Implant dentistry

Give Yourself the Gift of a Renewed Smile and Confidence

If severely resorbed upper jaw bone is limiting your options, zygomatic dental implants offer new potential. Contact our office for a comprehensive evaluation to determine if you may be a candidate.

Combining specialized experience, advanced technology and surgical skill, we can give you back the natural-looking smile and function that periodontal disease took away. With zygomatic implants, even the most challenging cases can be restored.

Implant dentistry

Frequently Asked Questions About Zygomatic Implants

How do I know if I'm a candidate for Zygomatic Implants?

A comprehensive exam including 3D imaging of your jawbone will help determine if you have enough healthy zygomatic bone to support the implants. Severe maxillary resorption and lack of bone for conventional implants often indicates zygomatic implants may be an option.

What is the implant procedure like?

It is performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia for an anxiety-free experience. A small slit in the gums allows access to place the implants at an angle into the zygomatic bone. It takes about 2 hours and most feel well enough to eat soft foods in 4-5 days.

Are there risks or complications?

With an experienced surgeon, risks are low. Possible complications like infection or injury to facial structures are minimized through meticulous planning and technique. Bruising, swelling and numbness typically resolve quickly.

How long do zygomatic implants last?

The success rate is over 95% long-term when protocols are followed. With proper home care and maintenance, zygomatic implants typically last several decades, providing many years of solid tooth replacement.

How much do zygomatic implants cost?

The advanced procedure ranges from $8,000 depending on the specifics of the case. Some insurance providers may cover a portion of the cost. Talk to your dental provider.

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